Website Updates since proper creation !(the times are 24 hour clock)

hhhhh no I do not know what I am doing ??? I know vaguely how to code but not really??? Like i know the logics of coding and how it works and how to read it, but i cannot write any for some reason, which basically renders it useless. I DONT KNOW WHY I MADE THIS!!! - October 29th 2024, 1343

I am improvinggg I learned how to change the background and text colorss AND how to add images !!! Honestly this is a lot easier than I remember it being when I was learning how to code. Hopefully I can learn how to make this like actually good?? I think my next mission is to learn how to format it, because right now its just a page with text and an image, its not formated at all, theres no layout. That's what I'll try and navigate next I suppose? sighhh - October 29th 2024, 2013

I GAVE IT A FORMAT !!! woahh they arent all directly above each other :3 now i needa like change the size of the text and make it look a lil nicer - October 31st 2024, 0931

AHH I made a second page :3 I may move all the word entrys onto here and make the main page an intro or something like that, for now though the second page just includes this entry, it will probably be pushed back within the day though, its starting to look a bit better :3 - November 4 2024, 0931

I transfered all the journal entrys to the second page :p i will write the intro and stuff during lunch(probably) or smth idk - November 4 2024, 1159

I figured out bordersss it now looks quite a bit cooler on the second page at least, I haven't added any to the first page yet unfortunately but I am about toooo ! I also figured out how to change the font size so it looks better :3 - November 4 2024, 1515

WOAHH I just coded for like.. several hours.. BUT IT WAS WORTH IT. I made this page look nicer, better formatted the front page, and most notably I made my introduction page! I also started on my first ever shrine which is of course deticated to my Spencer Reid(I LOVE spencer Reid) and I would love to code more but I have to do dishes, and shower, and of course I have a huge big important essay due at midnight. I'M GETTING OFF TOPIC. ITS LOGS NOT JOURNAL. Tommorrow/maybe later tonight I want to finish the Reid page and start a journal/ranting page. I feel like that will be much better :3 - November 4 2024, 2152

I added more to the Reid page, it still isn't even close to done though, I'll keep working later of course, I'm starting to genuinely enjoy working on this and I think it's actually starting to look cool!! So yay i guess? - November 5th 2024, 1136

I made a new pageee its the rant page they're all rants not vents to be clear, I think its interesting and its a different theme than it ever has been before so thats cool isn't it !! - November 8 2024, 1136

WOAH okay so I added a ton of blinkies and stamps and stuff and i added some more images to the front page AND AND i made the links to the other pages into buttons so they look way cooler now :3 I also found out how to change the title image thing(like the little photo next to the name of the site in your tab bar) and I think it looks cool. I've been doing most if not ALL the improvements on the front page because well its the most important, so I think I would like to add some improvements to the other pages, but also idk what else to add to them. Because they look nice and are cool, the front page just gets a lot of changes done to it since its (supposed to be) the most attention grabbing. I think I'll leave this page exactly how it is(besides future theme changes and stuff) because its supposed to be plain and simple. I mean I haven't changed how I layout this page since its creation(at least at time of writing this entry) so u can compare this page to the front page and really see exactly how I've improved. - November 13 2024, 0949

Woah I really need to update logs more often. I changed the buttons on everything and edited the header on the first page. I also added scream shrines(that are still a work in progress) that I am very excited about. I added more decor to the intro page but honestly I think I may change the entire theme of it to look more interesting, because as of right now it looks cool obviously but not as much as I'd like. I think I'm going to make it another artic fox theme like the rants page is. But idk if I'll actually do that. - November 18 2024, 1826

Stamps and Blinkies Stamps and Blinkies Stamps and Blinkies Stamps and Blinkies Stamps and Blinkies Stamps and Blinkies I spent about two hours handpicking a TON of Stamps and Blinkies to add to both the intro and first page. Goodness theres so many... Stamps and Blinkies Stamps and Blinkies Stamps and Blinkies Stamps and Blinkies - November 19 2024, 2142

So. I uh kinda forgot to write in logs but like a week or so ago, I learned how to make the backgrounds into images and gifs and stuff so I'm doing that now .-. ALSO I HAVE FULL FLIPPIN WRITERS BLOCK ON THE SCREAM PAGES I CANNOT CONVINCE MYSELF TO FINISH THEM. But. We're getting there I suppose. - December 24 2024, 1237(merry christmas)

Yesterday I worked for THREE HOURS on my intro page. I editted it a BUNCH and made it look super cool and fancy, today Imma edit the front page a lil bit to look a bit cleaner, maybe edit the rants page, and then I'm going to finish the scream pages... probably.. - December 27 2024, 1529

I have not worked on my website in so long. So much has happened since I last did anything with it. Like SO much and I have not had enough energy or even close to enough energy to work on it just because of... yeah... Hell I shouldn't even be working on it now. I have so much stuff to do??? Like SO MUCH homework and stuff that I absolutely need to have done before TOMORROW but I'm procrastinating. At least I'm working on Something though. Hell this site will probably be more important to me in 20 years than any grade I have now. Is it bad that I don't care anymore? hm... - February 23 2025, 2310